Beef Image

Beef Sirloin Cooking Times and Calculator

The sirloin, also called the striploin, is found along the spine in the hindquarter, and runs from the ribs to the rump. There are two sirloins to be found per cow and they sit just above the tenderloin where the eye fillet is cut. The sirloin roast is succulent, tender and full of flavour and can be further cut into steaks.

Beef Roasting Tips

  • Let the meat come up to room temperature before cooking
  • Roasting the meat at a very high temperature for 15 minutes before bringing the heat down to the temperture indicated will allow the heat to reach the centre of the joint and seal in the flavour.
  • Don't forget to rest the meat before carving. This allows the meat to relax and distributes the juices throughout. A general rule of thumb used by chefs for resting meat is 1 minute for every 100g of meat.

Cut of Beef

Weight Unit




0 Minutes



Conventional Oven



Gas Mark 0

Final internal temperature


Recipe Ideas for Beef